Class 11 Biology solutions is modified and updated for new session 2024-25 based on new textbooks published for academic year 2024-25. Class 11 Biology solutions app contains only 19 chapters which are in the syllabus for academic session 2024-25. Class 11 Biology solutions contain the following chapters:Chapter 1: The Living WorldChapter 2: Biological ClassificationChapter 3: Plant KingdomChapter 4: Animal KingdomChapter 5: Morphology of Flowering PlantsChapter 6: Anatomy of Flowering PlantsChapter 7: Structural Organisation in AnimalsChapter 8: Cell: The Unit of LifeChapter 9: BiomoleculesChapter 10: Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionChapter 11: Photosynthesis in Higher PlantsChapter 12: Respiration in PlantsChapter 13: Plant Growth and DevelopmentChapter 14: Breathing and Exchange of GasesChapter 15: Body Fluids and CirculationChapter 16: Excretory Products and their EliminationChapter 17: Locomotion and MovementChapter 18: Neural Control and CoordinationChapter 19: Chemical Coordination and Integration